0.5 :: Book Smart

Since meeting the locals of rens i have realised that i seem to be missing out on a lot of grey matter power. People keep talking about books, and when i pipe up with things like the "God Delusion is a fantastic read about the role of religion in the current world" they tell me to shut up :(

The reaper incident (yes still ain't over it) has caused me to question the power of ones mind, and the beneficial effect of sitting watching people dock and undock is having; So what is the solution, other than sudoku!

Learning skill was the common advice on where i need to be starting, and once i have mastered that i shall be reading like Johnny 5 from short circuit, and then i need to work on my attributes? - single Male, GSOH, 32 waist, blue eyes, brown hair!

So that's the plan, bash through the books then set about improving my attributes.

My head plugs, which was another local rens tip, are meant to speed things up for me, by boosting my tadpole brain to that of a common flea! I am now carrying round 5 little heads inside my own head all giving me +3 power. Stephen Hawkins will have nothing on me soon.

A few firsts:

1) Bought my first skill books in learning; that have been paid for using some donations! (thank you all)
2) Received my first combat ship!! Mr Blitters gave me a punisher (such a sweetie)! Havent got anything on it yet, nothing fits or i am too thick to use it!
3) I got head plugs! - power of my new mini minds!

Other than that its been a bit quiet on the fun people front, everyone seems to be busy in the "cosmos gang bang" which was the comment to me from a Goon member, involving his 5000 mates bashing up a man called Bob! Sounds unfair but this Bob fella must be one of them roid types, or have really upset these folks. Either way something i will need to involve myself with when the time comes.

Voting is almost closed on my skill direction so at least soon i will know where i am heading in EVE. Once i have a race i shall begin meeting my people, and flying round to each of there systems to introduce myself personally! My journeys are still waiting to start but with the grey matter now being worked i am starting out on the right foot..... the time is coming to wave rens goodbye!

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